VIRTUAL TOUCH gives you the closest to real PK touches if not better, that you can actually perform on zoom or other virtual shows.
this product is only for professional performers who do virtual shows using OBS.
Basic Effect:
You bring a spectator to a split screen (OBS). You ask him/her to touch themselves anywhere in their upper body that you and everyone could see. You touch yourself in the same place. You ask them to change to another place. You do the same. Lastly another time, you do the same.
Now you are in sync! You both touch the same place, but this was the spectators choice.
You then ask your spectator to close his/her eyes, and to imagine that now, you are going to touch them 3 times, each time in a different place. It is up to them where they imagine or feel it. When you ask them to point they should point where.
When you will be touching your nose, your spectator will point to his/her nose. When you will be touching your shoulder your spectator will point to his/her shoulder. When you will be touching your eye, spectator will do the same.
Finally you tell your spectator to open their eyes and ask them if they know what happened? They will say no. You will then reveal that they felt you touching yourself and only then they touched the same place.
You then ask your audience to open their mics or put their thumbs up if what you just said was correct, and they confirm that what you said really happened.
Next you tell the spectator that because they did not see it, you want to show them what happen and how much in sync they are. You then continue to the last phase of the routine which is a big surprise to all!
VIRTUAL TOUCH is designed only for virtual shows.
You will need OBS in order to stage and perform it.
You will get full instructions by Haim, Guy & Amir, step by step how to perform, how to present, all the technical aspects and suggested pattern to perform.
You will also get all the resources and graphics needed to start mastering the Virtual Touch routine immediately.
You will also get couple of options for the last phase of the routine that will close a circle to your spectator who just participates and did not see, and the entire audience who saw but now be even more surprised!
But that’s not all….
You will also learn how to take your Virtual Touches routine to the next level!
Imagine that when you perform your Touches routine, you can actually reach to the screen of your spectator and touch him/her yourself. That’s right? We will teach you how you can break the zoom boundaries and actually penetrate to your spectators screen and appear to be physically touching them in their window space. Imagine how your audience will react to this!
Here are few important points:
- No pre-show
- No Induction or Hypnosis
- No sleights or
- You will need OBS in order to perform it
- Only for virtual shows
What will you get:
Full detailed instructional video with Haim, Guy & Amir
All Technical details fully described
- Complete 3 phase routine with options.
- Video discussion on the philosophy of PK Touches and its adaptation to virtual shows
Graphics for your OBS split screens
Full expectation video on how to "touch" the other zoom screen. (including setup options & OBS setup.)
- Access to our Virtual Touch FB group where we will give you more resources, info, details and discussions.
Remember, VIRTUAL TOUCH sold only on BakoreMAGIC.com and nowhere else.
If you see Virtual Touch in other sites, it is NOT a legit copy, you are NOT supporting the creators and you will NOT get the all the files, resources or access to our FB group.
* You will be required to verify yourself after purchase in order to view your files!
VIRTUAL TOUCH will bring you a different flavor and visual for your virtual show, something different than other affects you perform.
Finally PK touches are now available for VITUAL SHOWS only on BakoreMAGIC.com